Monday, June 30, 2008

Stop Staring Exclusives at Red Dress Shoppe

Almost all of the items in our shoppe are one-time cuts, and unfortunately we can't re-order because the manufactures are no longer making it. So, usually, if we are out of your size we absolutely can not get any more! I know, I know... It's so disappointing.

However, Red Dress Shoppe has a very long and personal relationship with Stop Staring Clothing, and we are so fortunate (and appreciative) to be given the opportunity to carry *Exclusive* dresses by Stop Staring on our site! Not only are they sold exclusively on our website and no others, but we can re-cut the best sellers, and most of them were designed FOR you can be confident that you are wearing a very special - maybe even collectable - piece by Stop Staring!

One great example is the Clover Dress! You gals have showed me over and over again how much you loooooooved the Clover Dress... I have re-ordered that dress so many times - and if you didn't get one this time around... don't worry, we'll have it again in the Fall 2008!

Thank you for making our Stop Staring *Exclusives* a great success!!!!! We hope to keep making combinations you will love!!!

(Be sure to check out our newest.... The "Twilight" Dress.... The Best Fitting Stop Staring Dress EVER!!!)

1 comment:

The Boss said...

Awesome! So excited that y'all have a blog now!

Thanks for carrying such great clothes and having such wonderful customer service!